Holiday Front Porch Inspiration

Grid of front porch images

Everywhere you look, or everywhere you shop, rather, we’re seeing supply chain issues and shipping delays. The good stuff always sells out early, and that’s especially true this year, so it’s time to start planning out your holiday decor!

I’m here to tell you that you do not need to buy all new holiday decor each year, despite the temptation! I’m trying to reuse as much of last year’s decor as possible. Spend time thinking and purchasing only quality things that you love, and you’ll be more inclined to reuse those pieces year after year. I always try to plan ahead for future decor and how I can use the pieces again — Designing in this way won’t impact your wallet and storage space quite so much! A timely example here is thinking “winter” versus “Christmas.” Or this year, my vibe is “winter… plus red, lots of red.”

My main inspiration photo for this year was found on Anthropologie’s ribbon product listing of all places. That red ribbon is inspiring my whole winter home! Fun fact: I used to own a handmade dog collar business, so I know a lot about ribbon (of all things), and I’m all about splurging on quality ribbon! This Anthro ribbon has a bit of orange to it that plays nicely with our Christmas tree florals.

Linking some of my holiday front porch favorites for 2021 below:



MCGEE & CO, $45+



TARGET, $40+



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